As Adopted by the Board of Directors 11/14/2018
Effective as of December 1, 2018
- All Approved Tennis Instructors must Pre-Pay a $150.00 monthly administrative and use fee to Harbor Islands POA on the 1st of the Month.
- After the 5th day of the month a $50.00 late fee will be accessed and you will not be permitted in until payment is made.
- An Approved Tennis Instructor must have a current Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) o Certification of Instructor or higher or United States professional Tennis Association (USPTA) of Professional or higher and Insurance Certificate on file with the Property Management Office with Harbor Islands POA named as Additional Insured Certificate Holder.
- The Resident must make the reservation for their lesson with their Approved Tennis Instructors and must go to assigned court. Only one coach permitted per court per private lesson. Residents are the only ones permitted to make online reservations and any infraction with regards to this will result in the resident losing all reservation privileges.
- Approved Tennis Instructors should only be on the courts when their client (Resident Only) is present. The Courts are prohibited for personal use.
Any infraction of the above stated policy will result in immediate termination to the tennis instructors coaching privileges at Harbor Islands.
- There will be a cap of Eight (8) Approved Tennis Instructors.
7. The board expects honesty and integrity. If a resident states that they are not providing a lesson their word will be accepted within reason. The board reserves the right to make judgment calls if they feel this rule is being abused or taken advantage of.
If any of the above rules are not adhered to ACCESS WILL BE DENIED TO THE FACILITIES. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.